New Year Message

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New Year Message from Chairman and General Manager
Dear leaders, friends and all employees of the company:
Hello, everyone!
Kaige said goodbye to the old year, Ruixue welcomed the new year, and time passed 2016 quietly. At this beautiful moment of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, on behalf of the board of directors and management of Hunan Nafel Technology Co., Ltd., we would like to express our sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks to the leaders at all levels and friends from all walks of life who have supported and helped the development of the company over the past year, to our colleagues and friends in the industry who have been committed to the development and application of tungsten alloy electrodeposition technology from beginning to end!
Looking forward to the future, in the follow-up work in 2017, Nafel people will accurately position and clarify the development direction of the enterprise; integrate technology marketing to create nuclear power for enterprise development; strengthen cost control and enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises; tap the potential of human resources to ensure the core resources of rapid development of enterprises; comprehensively strengthen all kinds of basic management, build a regular army with entrepreneurial spirit, and better serve customers and partners.
Passion and sweat become the past, wisdom and tenacity cast the future. 2017 is another year of opportunities and challenges for the development of Nafel's career. The core corporate values of "market-oriented, customer-centered, and striver-oriented" will also inspire Nafel people to work hard in the new year. Strong, take on the heavy burden of corporate innovation and development. Bogu Tongjin, science and technology is the first productive force; learning from the past, product quality is the life of an enterprise. Nafel people will create more value for society and let human beings worry about corrosion and wear. We should be diligent in our work to cultivate one's moral integrity, grinding without phosphorus, nirvana without socialism, and dedicate our strength to the long-term development of the enterprise.
Chairman: Liu Pingjian
General Manager: Ning Jiancheng
January 22, 2017

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Hunan Nafel New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

Company office address: 27th floor, west tower, Hunan business council building, 569 furong middle road section 3, Yuhua district, Changsha city, Hunan province
Address: Changde Surface Treatment Industrial Park, Songlin Road, Changde Economic Development Zone, Hunan


web site: wear. Web site, anti-corrosion wear. web site, electroplated tungsten alloy. Website, Nafel. Website

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